30 October 2004

Predictions for the future of wearable computers in Japan

Source: マイコミジャナール (Mycom journal) <http://journal.mycom.co.jp/articles/2004/10/30/wpcexpo/index.html>

During WPC EXPO 2004, which took place at 東京ビッグサイト (Tokyo big site) from 20 to 23 October 2004, チームつかもと (Team Tsukamoto) discussed the past, present, and future of wearable computing. The most interesting things were the fashion show and the five predictions for the future of wearable computers in Japan:
「予言1」 ウェアラブルデジカメは二年以内に流行する!
Prediction 1: Before the end of 2006, wearable digital cameras will become popular.
「予言2」 ウェアラブルケータイは三年以来に流行する!
Prediction 2: By the end of 2007, wearable phones will become popular.
「予言3」 五年後にはウェアラブル端末を使っていろいろな場所でユビキタス情報を受信するようになる
Prediction 3: After 2009, wearable terminals will allow the reception ubiquitous information in various places.
「予言4」 十年後には子供は外で鬼ごっこゲームをするようになる!
Prediction 4: After 2014, Children will play tag with wearables.
「予言5」 十年後、赤ちゃんもHMDをつけるようになり、親とコミュニケーションをとるようになる!
Prediction 5: After 2014, babies will wear Head Mounted Displays (HMD), thus maintaing contact and enabling communication with parents.
The three first predictions, purely technology-oriented, are likely to materialize on time owing to the technologies and structures available in Japan. However, the concretization of the two last predictions, application-oriented, is more dubious. Leaving aside the issue of acceptance (mainly a cultural issue), the difficulty is to create relatively inexpensive technologies that are highly resistant to children's activities and environment.

[Read the article and see photos]

26 January 2004

Creation of the HUMAINE portal dedicated to research on emotions

Source: HUMAINE <http://www.emotion-research.net/>

The HUMAINE electronic portal is a rich source of information for researchers in emotions and human-machine interaction. The portal is maintained in English and provides core resources about technological challenges (detection, synthesis, cognition and action), applications (emotion in complex media, usability and evaluation), and psychology (theory and empirical data). It also provides news, and introduces upcoming events, researchers, job opportunities, tools, and publications.

The portal appears frequently updated... [Access]

01 January 2004



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DUVAL Sébastien